varsha FOR
external affairs vice president
Hi there! My name is Varsha and I am a third year majoring in Political Science. I am currently the State Affairs director for the External Affairs Vice President Office, and now I am running to become your EAVP. As an activist, organizer, lobbyist, and advocate -- I’ve organized the protest that ousted former Regent Norman Pattiz*, helped stop a tuition hike on in-state students, and won hundreds of millions of dollars in additional funding from the state Capitol — leading to the first tuition decrease in two decades. I went on to manage Rigel Robinson’s successful campaign for City Council, and briefly worked as a legislative assistant in City Hall. I want to put my years of experience in politics, policy, and student advocacy to work as your next External Affairs Vice President. I will fight to make the University of California system more affordable, accessible, and equitable; work to strengthen relationships between the students, the community, and the city; advocate for the construction of more affordable housing; organize alongside and empower marginalized communities; and engage students with the 2020 census and midterm elections.
*Titles for identification purposes only.
Read more about my platforms and goals below!
Fighting for #FundtheUC
Securing our basic needs
Strengthening Title IX
Bringing town and gown together
Building more, affordable housing
Organizing with communities
Championing progressive values
Making our voices heard (election 2020)
Making sure we count (census 2020)
Qualifications and Leadership Roles
Varsha has been a long time activist, organizer, lobbyist, and advocate. She has been active within the UC system, the Berkeley campus, and the state legislature. Fighting for students on the university, city, state, and national level, Varsha has taken on multitude of leadership roles to best serve her community.
Student Government & University Advocacy
University of California Board of Regents
Student Observer, Committee on Finance & Capital Strategies (Nov. ‘18 -)
University of California, Berkeley, Academic Senate
Student Rep, Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Honors, & Financial Aid (Oct. ‘18 -)
University of California Student Association
Financial Aid Advocacy Officer & Government Relations Committee Vice Chair (Aug. ‘18 -)
Associated Students of the University of California
State Affairs Director, Office of ASUC EAVP Nuha Khalfay (June ‘18 -)
Fund the UC Campaign Manager, Office of ASUC EAVP Rigel Robinson (July ‘17 - May ‘18)
Government & Policy Experience
Office of Berkeley City Councilmember Rigel Robinson
Campaign Experience
Rigel Robinson for Berkeley City Council
Campaign Manager (April ‘18 - Nov. ‘18)
Political Involvement
Alameda County Democratic Central Committee
Delegate to the California Democratic Party (Feb. ‘19 -)
Alternate Committee Member (Feb. ‘19 -)
Club Representative (June ‘18 - Feb. ‘19)
Cal Berkeley Democrats
President (May ‘18 -)
Development Director (May ‘17 - May ‘18)
California College Democrats
Political Director (Feb. ‘18 -)