Regan’s Platforms Explained
Expanding financial aid
- Increase transparency in financial aid processes by integrating instructions on CalCentral on how to clear a block
- Shift financial aid’s punitive measures (e.g. holds, cancellation) to proactive measures (e.g. outreach campaigns) for students needing to submit further documentation for aid disbursement
- Secure funding for new community-based scholarships in the AAVP’s Grants and Scholarships Program by establishing the ASUC Alumni Network, a critical opportunity to engage donors, and through high-yield sources of funding like CACSSF
Closing the research gap
- Reduce inequity in research opportunities through collaboration with the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarships and the Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program to explore long-term solutions to the accessibility gap of research opportunities.
Building a bridge to resources
- Promote University and community-based resources to incoming students through continuing current collaboration with the Division of Student Affairs
- Integrate essential campus programs into academic departments through the expansion of satellite programs
Addressing classroom equity
- Add a third mandatory questions to course evaluations addressing equity and inclusion in the classroom
- Improve classroom climate through enacting inclusive academic policies such as adding pronouns and phonetic spellings to rosters
- Engage and advise faculty and staff on diversity and inclusion through the Academic Innovative Studio and the Multicultural Education Program
Holding the University accountable
- Support student organizing through transparency and visibility of diversity initiatives through accessible town halls, online tracking, and regular campus-wide updates
- Align diversity initiatives, particularly the HSI initiative, with the intersectional needs of students by uplifting community narratives and advocacy
- Ensure timely progress of staff diversification through cluster hires and prioritize departments with lowest representation
Fighting for student representation
- Expand student representation on Strategic Plan Implementation Groups, faculty hiring committees, and other campus initiatives
- Collaborate with Equity and Inclusion to review and form suggestions from the MyExperience survey, inviting other community leaders to join
- Equip student representatives for success through establishing a Committee Leadership Program, a deep dive intensive training for appointees on navigating bureaucracy, values mapping, and coordination with the AAVP department
- Appoint Academic Senate student representatives strategically and expand Academic Senate student representation to address issues of student turn-over and transferability of knowledge
Expansion of theme programs
- Push for an expansion of theme programs that are at capacity, allowing more students an integral opportunity for community development
- Fill in gaps of communities not currently represented in theme programs (e.g. MEMSSA/SSWANA Theme Program)
Combating toxic campus culture
- Pressure Academic Senate to review stifling and harmful academic policies like grade deflation and GPA caps
- Raise honest conversations about capacity, mental health, and unrealistic expectations through programing to promote healthy, sustainable habits
Promoting mental + physical health care
- Streamline the process of mental health referrals in the TANG Center through establishing a mental healthcare search program, designed to schedule a first-appointment and follow-up after to check if the student went to the first appointment
- Partner with TANG and DSP to bridge accessibility gaps for students seeking accommodations who are unable to receive medical documentation through the TANG Center
Strengthening SVSH resources
- Reform the campus approach to consent education beyond modules
- Increase transparency in SVSH findings for continuing faculty and staff, allowing students to be fully informed of their classroom
- Fight for comprehensive and timely justice for perpetrators of SVSH, including advocating for University investment in essential campus programs like Path to Care
*Titles for identification purposes only.