MAUREEN’s Platforms Explained
Strategic Alliances:
Serve as an expert in business development and property management to ensure that space allocation in Lower Sproul Plaza and the Martin Luther King Jr. Student Union basement provides all student organizations timely and equitable resources in accordance with the ASUC’s mission.
Serve as a skilled negotiator and mediator between the Senate, Executive Leadership, Commissions, and RSOs with the ASUC’s mission at the core of each interaction.
Improve the campus culture by making the ASUC salient to students again; including making it more visible and accessible -- starting by publicizing accomplishments on the ASUC Student Union’s digital signage.
Collaborate with the Basic Needs Center to ensure Basic Needs can be central in all ASUC efforts and its sponsored organizations. This includes increasing advocacy within administrative fee allocation and grants committees.
Streamline Business Practices and Protocols
Partner with the Senate, Commissions, and other ASUC affiliate organization to streamline practices and protocols. Access to the ASUC should not be cumbersome -- this includes attending weekly Senate meetings.
Partner with RSOs to ensure they have adequate access to resources — a goal I hope to achieve through maximizing the amount of available space on campus by identifying underutilized locations alongside the Office of Academic and Space Planning. I also hope to work alongside the Student Union’s board to continue expanding space available in both.
Partner with the Student Union Board of Directors to ensure ethical investment in small business and ensure priority space for organizations that serve marginalized students. The Student Union should be an inclusive place for every student.
Strengthen Community Engagement
I will work to ensure that all students have a say in the organization and governance of UC Berkeley by keeping processes practical and achievable by no longer relying on Senate for dialogue with administrators. Instead, I will host monthly town halls and meetings for student identity groups and other organizations to talk with the campus’ Chancellor and her cabinet.
I will collaborate with the Office of Accountability in the ASUC to ensure that there is a succession plan in place to transfer institutional knowledge when cabinet terms end so that students are not harmed by ASUC transitions.
I will collaborate with the Vice Chancellor of Admissions and other stakeholders to ensure that diversity and inclusion are considered in the admissions process; and that the University increases recruitment and retention efforts for students of color.
I will collaborate with bridges and the Vice Chancellor of Admissions to ensure that the University hires faculty that represents the diversity of the student population.